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Book of Vibes – Part 1

Hello, random visitor of Central Student Hub

Welcome, to the maiden edition of the Book of Vibes. A collection of tips, tricks and sample messages on how to get through to someone through words or simply put “on how to vibe someone.”

Humans are interactive species, the very first moment Adam saw Eve he began to interact with her. I believe he gave the first vibe.

“This is now bone of my bones

And flesh of flesh…”Genesis 2:23

My point is, from the onset of civilization communication has been a fundamental aspect of our lives. Communication has witnessed a radical transition throughout history but with the advent of the social media, communication as we know has taken a drastic turn. You must be extra careful on how you convey your thoughts into words to get the right response from people. We live in a society, meaning we socialize. We interact. We communicate. We vibe.

I’m not going to bore you with an exposition on the communication process and its relevance. I’m sure you will attest to having been in a situation where a vibe or two would have sufficed.

Perhaps, this seems a bit far fetched. Let us narrow it down to simpler and more frequent situations where vibes would have sufficed. For example,

Complimenting a friend, Encouraging or comforting a friend, Questions to sustain a conversation with a friend, Seeking for a favor from someone, Starting a conversation with someone you just met and creating a lasting first impression, Appreciating or thanking someone for something, Sending good night or good morning messages, Wishing a friend, a happy birthday, Congratulating a friend, And many more…

The following vibes are strictly meant to help express how you feel towards someone. If your drive to enter a relationship is not fueled by genuine affection, please desist from using the subsequent vibes as it may lead to giving someone false hope. And you will consequently get yourself entangled in the maze of not being able to reciprocate the person’s feelings.

While you read, the magnet of your heart will be attracted to the words you really want to use. This is simply a guiding material, feel free to improvise the vibes during delivery.

But I’ve got to warn you, these vibes are like fentanyl medications, their side effects may take forever to wear off if used effectively.

Complimentary vibes

  • I like the way the sunlight complements the colour of your skin. You are glowing
  • I’m so glad you texted me, my evening just got better.
  • God did you a favour with your beauty
  • That smile is a mile of positivity wide
  • Your dimples remind me of the moon in its crescent phase
  • You speak with a calm and positive surety in your voice
  • You are a vision of tomorrow
  • It’s a pleasure to know you. I think I am affiliated to one of God’s angels.
  • You are the human form of the hundred emojiđź’Ż
  • I don’t want to test you because you are ten over ten
  • Your eyes are like sparkling portals to another dimension
  • I like your personality, you effortlessly exude excellence everywhere you roll
  • They say everyone is a unique star on their own, but you’d agree with me that some stars shine brighter than others. You are a superstar to me
  • Your mere existence is evidence of perfection
  • You are my favorite serendipity

Comforting or encouraging vibes

1. I can’t promise you any solution to all you’re going through right now but one thing is for sure, you certainly won’t face them alone, I’m with you.

2. Stay strong dear, with time and courage you’ll sail through this storm.

3. You see… Just as the moon has phases, life also has seasons and times. I’m sure you’ll be in your full moon phase soon.

4. I’m glad you’re going places, I know you’re destined to touch many lives

5. These are dark times, but you know, it’s darkest before dawn… I believe your joy will come in the morning.

6. It’s amazing how you meet certain people for just a short while in your life but the impact they have on you transcends eternity. It’s like they merge a bit of their virtue into your soul. I will never forget you, dear friend.

7. I believe no situation is ever too big for you to handle, you have the solution within you.

8. I know lectures can be a bit stressful but don’t forget to take a step back and breathe and keep calm.

9. The bridge between your present self and a great version of yourself, is a better you. Just keep getting better daily.

These are a few selections from the Book of Vibes on the above topics, yes, there’s more.

Kindly share your thought, suggestion or contribution about the above, I am ever ready to get in touch. Let me know what topic to discuss next…

Looking forward to seeing you again, thanks for passing by.

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