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Studying Right

Six Proven Study Tips for University Students

1. Change Your Surroundings

When looking at the same four walls of your bedroom which drives you repeatedly into the arms of Netflix, Games, and even Unhealthy Chats, it’s time for a change of scenery. Grab your laptop or your printed notes and find a quiet place to study. One of our top study skills for University students includes getting out of the house and experiencing a change of scenery, such as:

  • A quiet and sparsely populated place,
  • Your own hostel balcony,
  • A different room in your hostel, such as study rooms,
  • On a bench in a deserted garden
  • Inside your car, parked on your own college campus

Many institutions and businesses are now offering free Wi-Fi for students who want or need to study away from home. The inside of your car may not be as comfortable as a table in the library, but it’s a way to stay caught up and get out of the hostel.

2. Develop a Daily Routine

Another of our savvy tips for college students involves finding a groove that works for you and then sticking with it. If you find yourself shuffling around the kitchen at 3 am, foraging for snacks instead of getting the sleep needed to get you through the next day, it’s time to devise a schedule. Even a lax schedule is better than none at all. Set a dedicated time to rise each morning, dedicated times for meals, and dedicated times for study. By writing your goals down, you’re at least 1.2 times more likely to reach them, say the experts.

3. Study with Friends

So you can’t be too close with friends right now due to Covid-19 protocols. But there are no laws preventing you from forming an online study group, right? Find your classmates online and set a designated time each week to meet online and quiz each other. Use a free service such as Facebook’s video chat option, Zoom, or Skype.

Another great way to study with a friend is to become an online tutor to someone who’s taking the same class. This will force you to review the work often, think about the material, and take part in question-and-answer sessions. Plus, you’ll be helping out a friend or maybe even making a little money on the side for your time.

4. Create a Super-Study Space

What is it that helps you concentrate? Is it your favorite music? Complete quiet? Snacks? Find the things that help you focus and set up your own super-study space. Creating an inviting environment is one of our go-to study strategies for University students.

Think outside the box to create a room that encourages you to study. This could mean having teas or essential oils, such as rosemary or Ginseng, on hand to help you focus. It could mean bringing in your favorite blanket or pillow for comfort. You could have soft music playing gently in the background or your own favorite band on iTunes. You could keep a stash of brain food, such as pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, oranges, or almonds handy to help get you through. You might plug in a coffee maker for long study sessions.

5. Review Material Before Each Class

Take good notes and be sure to review them before each physical/online class with your Lecturers. This will help you to be more prepared during the session, but there’s another perk, as well. Hearing the information repeated back to you will help you better retain it. If sessions are live, record them so you can watch them again during your designated study times. Take notes during each lecture and then take a half-hour afterward to either re-type them in a more cohesive way or to jot them down in a notebook so they’re neater and easier to follow.

By writing down the high points of each lecture once or twice, you’ll remember them better. You’ll also have legible notes to take with you when you leave the hostel to study.

6. Prioritize Your Work

Lastly, be sure to prioritize work from most important to least important. Many Universities have adopted pass/fail policies to get students through the rest of the 2020 school year. Use this to your advantage by dedicating the bulk of your study time to the classes you find most challenging. Spend less time studying for the classes that come easier.

You might sacrifice an A in that easy class, but doing so could earn you a solid B in another subject in which you struggle. This is one of our most important study tips for Universities. It’s also one that will serve you well once you begin your dream career. Knowing how to prioritize is a helpful skill for every field. You might sacrifice an A in that easy class, but doing so could earn you a solid B in another subject in which you struggle.

Right now is not an easy time to be earning a college degree, especially for students who have trouble sticking to self-imposed schedules. While there’s much more freedom to be had, there are also many more distractions with few repercussions for indulging. It will take some self-discipline to get you through this school year, but if you use our study tips for college as a jumping-off point, it may be a little easier to navigate your way to a passing grade.

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